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Markyate Village School And Nursery

Markyate Village School and Nursery
  1. About Us
  2. Curriculum Foundation Subjects
  3. MFL

Modern Foreign Languages (MFL)

Please find below the information for the Modern Foreign Languages (MFL) Learning Pathway in our curriculum that has been devised by our teachers for our children. Our MFL curriculum is supplemented with a number of resources, including using a range of the Language Angels programme of resources and working with the language professionals at Kids Lingo

Progression and Coverage document

Progression information

National Curriculum attainment targets by unit

Core Vocabulary Mat

Phonics mat

Grammar Overview


What MFL looks like in our school

We focus our teaching around the following two areas:

The ‘3 pillars of language learning’: phonics, grammar and vocabulary which are built into all lessons and are taught gradually and revisited regularly.

The ‘4 language skills’: speaking, listening, reading and writing which are covered in all lessons and become increasingly challenging.

To supplement our French Lessons, we use a scheme called ‘Language Angels’.  The scheme is designed by a team of foreign language teaching specialists.  Language Angels uses games, songs and interactive whiteboard materials, including audio files which support accurate pronunciation. The units are arranged into 3 levels with a range of lessons at each level.  The levels are:

  • Early Learning Units (E) – these units work mostly on vocabulary, single sounds (with article/determiner), building up memory skills and formulating short sentences from memory.
  • Intermediate units (I) – these units build on the early learning units and use more complex grammar. Longer reading and listening exercises are provided and there is more expected in terms of oral responses and written work.
  • Progressive units (P) – these are the most challenging. They contain more content.  Children are expected to produce longer, more complex written paragraphs and speak more fluently and accurately from memory.

There are an additional 3 stand-alone phonics lessons that are taught at the start of each year.

Within our MFL lessons, we make links to current or previous learning in other areas of our curriculum e.g. History, Geography or English.

Additional Learning Opportunities 

We also have an after school Spanish Club for Year 2 children, to introduce them to a modern foreign lanaguage. We also have French teachers supplied by Kids Lingo for our Year 6 children, to ensure they have all the French langauge skills they need for secondary school. 

Support at home

There is a pupil area where you can access interactive games that support learning for each unit. https://languageangels.com/homeschool/

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