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Markyate Village School And Nursery

Markyate Village School and Nursery
  1. About Us
  2. Curriculum Core Subjects
  3. English
  4. Writing
  5. Spelling


In EY and KS1, children develop phonics skills through our provision using RWI. Our spelling provision continues into KS2. While spelling skills are taught as part of our writing curriculum, lessons are taught discretely across the week. 

Herts Essential Spelling lays the foundations for our teaching of spelling. It focuses on the teaching of spelling so that children understand how to apply patterns, strategies and knowledge to other words and not just a list of words given for that week. Spelling lessons provide links to prior knowledge and track back to related objectives so that targeted support can be given to children who are not yet able to spell words from their year group programme of study. Lessons includes: "Revisit, Explain, Use; Teach, Model, Define; Practise, Explore, Investigate; Apply, Assess, Reflect".