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Markyate Village School And Nursery

Markyate Village School and Nursery
  1. Key Information
  2. Inclusion and SEND

Inclusion and SEND

At Markyate Village School and Nursery we believe that each pupil has individual and unique needs. Some pupils require more support than others. This may be just a little extra support for a short period or for the whole of their primary education. The school aims to provide all pupils with strategies for dealing with their needs in a supportive and caring environment, allowing each child to attain to their full potential.

The staff and governors are committed to providing the highest levels of achievement for every child admitted to the school. The teachers have high expectations of every child and will accentuate the positive in behaviour, work and attitude. They recognise that learning is most successful when it takes place in a happy, sensitive and secure environment. They will encourage every pupil to show concern for others and to value each others’ contributions.

Admission for a child with Special Needs is, as for all children, in line with Hertfordshire County Council’s Admissions Policy. A meeting would be held if a child with an EHCP were to attend school, so that appropriate provision could be made.

If you have any concerns regarding your child, please speak to the class teacher in the first instance who may recommend a meeting with Mrs Partridge, the school SENCO.

Please see our policies page (key information) for policies which support our SEND provision. 

SEN at a glance

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